(Full Changelog in the Discord Server)
Reworked progression and gear leveling
Reworked bosses with custom AI
Reworked professions
Reworked Talent system
Reworked UI
Reworked dungeons
Reworked player stats
Reworked collectibles
Reworked garrisons and research
Added two new areas and a dungeon
Added arround 300 new items
Added the garden
Added an in-game guide
Added the item vault
Added loadouts
Added mastery
Removed boss summon items, recipes, crit chance, garrison boxes, dungeon and boss caches, cooking, anvils, regeneration stat, and much more
Added three new areas, hundreds of items, achievements, yada yada
Removed max item limit
Overhauled the graphical aspect of the game... again
Added Stamps
Added Crit Chance
Added Mystery Presents
Added Fishing
Added Mail
Added Classes and Skills
Added Dungeons
Added Garrisons
Added Insight
Added Jester Turtles
Added Penguin Helpers, Penguin power, and other penguin nonsense
Added the Collection and the Armory
This is basically a code test, surely wont take much of my time
Remade everything
Revamped the entire graphical aspect of the game
Added the rpg maingame
Added professions
Added day cycles and a weather system (not very used for now)
Added SFX
Added the first two areas (acting as some sort of tutorial)
Added and then reworked the achievement system
Added a bunch of stats for nerds
Added import and export save functionality
Oh god what did i do
Made by "duck" [drvcx] 🦆
Turtle Voice by "lily" [.lilynee] 🐑
Are you sure you want to delete all saved data?
This action is irreversible and will forever delete all progress of the game with the exception of Soulbound items
With the release of 0.4, the game got overhauled and 0.3 saves became outdated, as the two versions are too fundamentally different from each other. It is very advised that you start over a new savefile by deleting the current data.
Soulbound items such as the completition medal and some extra goodies will carry over this new save automatically. For more information, check the game's Discord.
Sorry for the trouble.
Welcome to Super Turtle Idle, an incremental idle RPG. Complete quests, gather materials by idling, and tackle mighty foes!
Upgrade any weapon or armor you want, no pressure or strings attached. Is the foe too mighty? Engage with the different systems of the game to gain Mastery or try your luck getting new gear you never got before.
Getting rare items can be a daunting task at first, so dont hesitate to come back later when you're able to efficiently farm them. Do not worry, as said gear will always be useful no matter when you decide to get it!
All your Talent Points will be refunded. This operation will consume one Dreamwoven Gamba
This operation will consume one Dreamwoven Gamba
All your Talent Points will be refunded.
This operation will consume one
v 0.4 (Version History)
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Grand Archive
Arcanum Liber
Prism Scutes
Treaties allow the potential of your turtle empire to reach new heights by focusing on specific elements of your kingdom.
When you sign a treaty, a set of boons and banes will apply. Furthermore, treaties can be ranked up to further boost their effects.
You can only switch treaty after an hour.
Your Turtle Coins are slowly filling up the Astral gauge.
When the Astral gauge completes, you can get access to the Planetarium, and leave behind all activities, upgrades, coins, resources and exploration levels.
You will step down from your position as leader of the turtles, and three Constellations will be born in honor of your dynasty, alongside increased Astral level.
On the Planetarium, you can spend the Constellations in perks to carry over your next legacy.
You are currently missing 7.123e99 Turtle Coins for the next Astral level
Novice Blacksmith [Level 5]
3003/7200 exp
Copper Bar [0]
Requires Novice Blacksmith [0]
Smelt ore into an ingot of copper.
NombreTortuga [lvl 8]
Stern Cricket [lvl 8]
Click to enter the planetarium and gain new skills Levels left for the next Wish: 20 Current Wishes: 20